A new page, a new beginning..


Okay.. its new year.. new look.. new ainur n new Blog!! its not too late to start blogging rite..n yahhh.. Aku reblog sebenarnya! blog lme dh bersarang, berkulat dan bercendawan hijauPink! n pah tu dh xtau nk continue cenggane.. then trus aku kasi remove... Turn to a new leaf! hehehe.. lega asenya..

So.. this new blog aku buh name The Cuppy Cravery.. kalo nk diikutkan sejarahnya name blog ni dh mcm gaya nk bt bisnes kapkek.. tp tidak sebenarnya.. blog ni adelah belog personal.. kalo ade pn bisnes utk jual diri i saje... muahahahah... actually, aku bg name camtu sbb aku ni giler kapkek.. suke tgk cake.. suke mkn kek.. tp xreti nk buat kek.. hehh.. and for the tagline thing aku dpt ilham from one of those country song yg sgt related dgn my current situation dimana "hati teringin tp minda menghalang".. btl ke ayat nehh..duh! kata omputihnya "My Heart says YES but My Head says NO".. kikiki... ni semua gara2 dgr soul song dr Dennis Taylor.. 

Most of the time we always debating with our own thoughts..we want this.. we want that.. but our mind will control everything.. this kind of behaviour is considered normal for all mankind..i think..  but..but.. but..have you ever considered that your own mind is sabotaging your path to happiness..? while your mind may not be the sole culprit, it is a clever foe...your brain can mislead and make you miserable...and you won't even know it...
Am i right??

dan kerana itulah aku hasilkan blog sebegini.. to calming down my own thoughts and to share good things to evryone.. Hopefully dis year onwards aku dpt la hapdate belog ni secara konsisten. xmo dh skip2.. weeeeeeeeeee!

oklah first entry xmo cakap byk.. cukuplah smp cni aje ye..

Take care XOXO!
