How to develop the right mindset?

Assalam... Hi dude and dudettes!

Here are some tips am gonna share with uollss :)

Its seven tricks Your Mind plays on you and how to fight back!
Check out this list of seemingly harmless thoughts to see if your mind is tricking you out of happiness..

From now on, I'm going to do my best.

How often have you pressured yourself to think positive after an unhappy incident or after seeing something inspirational? While pressure can sometimes provide the necessary push.. commanding yourself to do your "best" doesnt give you much flexibility.

We have been conditioned to believe that when we want to make an important change.. we have to take a huge leap.. but what if you are having a bad day? The energy is suddenly lost.. everything looks bleak.. and you cant talk yourself out of it. You feel like a failure..

It is important to remember that the change you want requires time.. persistence.. and patience. So.. take one small step at a time and leave room to learn from your mistakes.

I just need to be more like...

It is normal to think that you should strive to be like those you admire. The problem arises when you wish you could be them...

If you get too wrapped up in mimicking someone else.. you will forget to pay attention to who you are —your needs. your values.. your character.. your journey.

By all means.. learn what you can from your role models and adapt or modify ideas to fit you.. but dont forget to find your own voice..gaining self knowledge and self respect is invaluable to building a lasting happiness...

I will just follow what the experts say.

It is easy to think that experts can help you find your way to happiness...when you are down.. their words are like beacons of hope.. but that hope can be fleeting if you dont apply the lessons to real life..

Experts share lessons from their own experiences. while advice helps.. their words serve only as hints.. not answers for your journey.. it is in your own real experiences where you will piece yourself together..realize your capabilities.. and find out what matters to you...

Learn to trust yourself.

I'm so busy. I will find more time to focus on myself...later.

Nowadays.. being really busy has become something worth bragging about or something you cant escape.. however.. keep living this way and finding 'Me Time' will start looking impossible.. you will probably even blame your commitments for stealing your time...

But is it truly impossible for you to make time for yourself?
Are you busy or is it avoidance?
Are there duties you can cut out?

Really look at your schedule.. prioritize and put in a little 'me time'.. everything else would benefit more if you spent some time caring for your needs...

I am so tired.. I need a break..

Maybe you are taking some 'me time' but you dont want to think about anything too intensely... Breaks help you recharge your mind... however, there is such a thing as having too many breaks... in this case, "taking a break" becomes an excuse to escape...

Thinking about your life shouldnt feel like a chore.... take advantage of the moments when your brain isnt dwelling on too many things... for starters, take 10 minutes and ask yourself what you have been doin.. why you are doing it.. and what will make you happier.. It is worth your time...

Other people are just luckier than me.

Bad luck is a popular self-reassurance when we are incapable of understanding why we are not getting what we want... it is a mild form of comfort that temporarily eases the pain but can create resentment of others...

But why put your life at the hands of luck..? Personally, im a firm believer of "YOU MAKE YOUR OWN LUCK".. do the work you know is necessary because luck cant give you your future happiness but you do!

Have some more faith in yourself because your goals need you! your energy, passion, and determination..

I can't wait until the day...

...when I am happier about my life...when I am successful...when I am healthier...when I find my purpose in life....

Daydreaming is healthy to some extent... i am a daydreamer indeed! it allows you to be creative and visualize where you want to be... it only becomes dangerous when you dont do anything about it...

Dont live that happier life in your head... good things come to those who go after them...

Yes..Sure, it is not going to happen overnight... you may experience plenty of false starts and -let's face it-there is a chance you might fail... but keep going!  try again or move on to the next thing... after all, isnt life about experiencing and learning from the good and the bad? Meeting new people, exploring ideas, and discovering new places?

Your life wont change if you are passing the time in your dream world... time is precious, so be in the present and get going!

Want some true happiness?
ASK.. BELIEVE.. and you will receive!

Enjoy reading! *hug&kisses*
